The first narrative feature film directed by a Native American and based on a true story, Tushka tells the story of a Native American activist who leads a rally to the steps of the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. Two days later his house is firebombed, killing his parents, his wife, their two girls and an infant. Skorodin re-creates the civil unrest of the 1960's era and the brutal treatment of indigenous people by American authorities. Tushka premiered at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival and won Best Feature at the 1998 Arizona International Film Festival. It was also subject to a threatened ban by Oklahoma authorities. Tushka is an unforgettable achievement.
Theatrical Trailer
Director | Ian Skorodin |
Producer | Ian Skorodin, Orvel Baldridge |
Writer | Ian Skorodin |
Cast | Tim Johnson, Robert Eades, Orvel Baldridge, Roy Raines |
Duration | 90 min. |
Country | USA |